My Menopause Magazine – Stress

  • Intimacy & Relationship Expert Laura Doyle

    Dear Laura, Now that my youngest son is out of the house, I feel like my husband and I are not on the same page. He’s stubborn and we fight a lot. When the kids were here it was more tolerable, but now that we’re empty-nesters, I’m questioning whether my husband and I have anything in common. Am I crazy […]
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  • 8 Steps to Get Your Mojo Back This Summer

    New beginnings are the most exciting and energizing times in life. Summer is always a new beginning because it’s a new season. Now is a great time to get excited, motivated, and start making changes to get to your next level of YOU. If you’ve lost your mojo and want to be a better you this summer, here are 8 […]
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  • How to Make Friends with Change

    Change can be daunting. It can push all our buttons, fear, confusion, doubt and insecurity can arise as such a time is full of so many unknowns. We are personally dealing with big changes right now: selling our house, downsizing, finding the next place, getting the timing right, letting go of all that was and opening to all that will […]
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  • Trade Your Valve for a Filter

    I was recently talking with a woman who was struggling. She had a lot of things on her mind and was really feeling stuck; she couldn’t take any more. She had closed her mind to protect herself from anything else that might go wrong, which is understandable. Her mind was working like a valve; it didn’t let any additional bad […]
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  • How to Run Your Home Like a CEO Mom

    All successful CEOs have one thing in common: They’re able to maintain a big-picture perspective. It’s also something successful women have in common, says Zenovia Andrews, a business strategist, speaker, author and mother who coaches entrepreneurs and CEOs on time and budget management. “In business, CEOs implement a process that achieves efficient time and resource management in the most cost-effective […]
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  • Stop Workplace Stress

    Mindfulness – being focused and fully present in the here and now – is good for individuals and good for a business’s bottom line. How can people practice it in a workplace where multitasking is the norm, and concerns for future profits can add to workplace stress? “Even if a company doesn’t make it part of the culture, employees and managers […]
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  • Slaying Your Inner Critic

    Sound familiar? Self-talk, especially negative self-talk, prevents a lot of capable people from ever realizing their potential. As Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” So how can you slay your inner critic; make that voice in your head stop saying negative things and just ask the question, “How can I succeed […]
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  • Yoga on My Mind | Or How Yoga Reduces Menopause Symptoms

    Nearly 20 years ago I took my first yoga class with Hari Khar Khalsa as a means of decreasing stress. Over time, I not only received the benefit of lowering my stress level through yoga, but also the benefit of her friendship and ultimately collaboration on A Woman’s Book of Yoga, a book that combines Eastern and Western medicine. Since […]
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  • Weed Your Mental Garden: Limit Stress in Your Life

    You can learn a lot from a garden. Prepare the soil, space plants, thin them out once they grow and weed, weed, weed. It’s amazing how that same philosophy helps us limit stress in our lives. Begin by preparing a list of everything you have to do today. Arrange them in priority from first to last. Focus on the top three. […]
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  • Learning How to Stay Well

    There has been a lot in the news over the past few months about two individual health decisions; Governor Chris Christie had weight loss surgery to combat his un-controlled weight problem and Angelina Jolie underwent a double mastectomy to reduce her risk of developing an inherited form of breast cancer. What these decisions have in common is that they were […]
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