New Home Test For Colon Cancer
It’s detectable early but people don’t like having those messy colonoscopies. As a possible alternative to colonoscopy, a new home test is coming out. To talk about them is Dr. Cynthia Rudert, a board-certified gastroenterologist in Atlanta, Georgia. She’s been involved in colon cancer screening and treating celiac disease for over 25 years. She’s also a Medical Advisor for the […] -
Bone/Joint HealthCancer PreventionDiabetesExercise and fitnessHeart HealthNutritionSkin HealthStay Well
I want to exercise BUT I Don’t Have Money for a Gym or DVD
We often think of medical expenses at a time when we are least capable of coping with them – when we’re sick. With healthcare costs increasing as we age, the sooner we plan for our health, the sooner we’ll start saving more money. According to the National Foundation for anti-aging, “most aging is premature.” Poor posture, low energy and brittle […] -
5 Tips to Lower Breast Cancer Risk
It almost seems like an epidemic. One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some time in her life. While it may not be preventable, here are 5 things you can do to lower breast cancer risk or ensure early detection. 1. Eat more vegetables. Vegetables are a simple and easy way to lower your risk. Spinach, kale, broccoli, […] -
BRCA2 Gene Causes Pancreatic Cancer
Did you know some breast and ovarian cancers are connected to pancreatic cancer? It could save your life. Let’s begin by reminding you of Angelina Jolie and her recent decision to have both breasts removed to lower her risk for breast cancer because she has the BRCA1 gene – it stands for BReast CAncer. BRCA1 and 2 are genes […] -
Radiation and Breast Cancer – Dr. Mache Seibel Founder of “My Menopause Magazine”
Dr. Mache Seibel talks about the effects of using radiation therapy for women suffering from breast cancer at menopause. -
Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer BRCA
Ovarian Cancer,Colon Cancer,Uterine Cancer – Dr. Mache Seibel -
Estrogen and Breast Cancer
I recently returned from the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine where I had the opportunity to interview Richard Santen, one of the leading authorities on estrogen and breast cancer. Today I’d like to share with you information on estrogen’s impact on breast cancer. When asked to talk about whether or not estrogen causes breast cancer, Santen’s […] -