A Happy Mind Makes A Healthy Body – Ed & Deb Shapiro
That connection can influence how we feel and our overall health. An example appeared in a Time magazine special that showed happiness, hopefulness, optimism and contentment, “appear to reduce the risk or limit the severity of cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, diabetes, hypertension, colds and upper-respiratory infections; while depression — the extreme opposite of happiness — can worsen heart disease, diabetes […] -
Menopause – An Opportunity For Gain
But menopause is a natural time of life that also offers an opportunity for gain. For some who have not completed childbearing either because they started too late or it just took too long, there is the loss of reproductive potential and the child who might have been. But it is also a time to throw away birth control and […] -
The Queen of Sales Conversion Lisa Sasevich on How To Work Effectively After 40
Dr. Seibel: Lisa, you are a dynamic woman who’s incredibly successful, both in your own business, and by helping thousands of women reach their potential. Today, I’d like to ask you to share some of your thoughts about women in the workplace and what women can do to see themselves in a more optimum way in work and in work-life […] -
What to Expect After Stopping Hormones
Whether or not to take estrogen and hormones in general is a big decision that I discuss in great detail in a recent free training I’ve developed called Navigating the Change. And stopping hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is almost as big a decision. What should you expect and how will you feel afterward? An April 2015 article in the journal […] -
Common Products that Cause Early Menopause
A recent study found that women who use certain household and personal-care products and who have the highest levels of EDCs enter menopause 1.9 to 3.8 years earlier than those who have lower levels of the chemicals. And earlier menopause can have a significant effect on bone health, cardiovascular health, on memory and quality of life for women,” Dr. Amber […] -
The Go-Go’s Singer Belinda Carlisle Talks About Her Hot Flashes
They’ve been going strong for decades and sold over 30 million records worldwide. But today, Belinda is going to be talking about a different aspect of her life, her transition through The Change, and sharing her perspectives on menopause and hot flashes. Dr. Mache Seibel: Welcome Belinda and thank you for spending some time with me. How long have the […] -
Surprising Lesson Learned From Angelina Jolie
You have likely heard the story of how Angelina Jolie courageously and openly discussed her BRCA1 gene screening (NY Times Op-Ed March 24, 2015 A23) and the actions she took to lower her risk of breast and ovarian cancer. She has raised awareness for millions of women and has given them the courage to openly discuss genetic testing as a […] -
What’s Love Got to Do with It?
Love. It’s been defined, re-defined, and debated for ages. Love itself is a fluid term, a concept that transcends time and is difficult to wrap words around, though many a poet and author has tried. Everyone wants it, and hopefully, most of us will experience it at some point during our lives. Love has been thought of in a variety […] -
New Treatment Offers Relief from Painful Sex
If you are struggling with painful sex due to thinning of the vagina and the tissue around it, a new treatment is on the horizon, likely in 2016. It’s called prasterone, and it’s a vaginal cream that contains 0.5% (6.5 mg) of the hormone DHEA. The article was in the online February 16, 2015 issue of the journal Maturitas. The […] -
Menopause Symptoms Vary by Age
But 1/10,000 women enter menopause by age 20; 1/1,000 by age 30; 1/100 by age 40; and 1/10 will enter menopause before age 45. A new study in the February 2015 issue of the journal Menopause studied women with early menopause to see if and how their symptoms differ from women entering menopause at age 45 and older. One of […]