Posts tagged with ‘ed shapiro’

  • A Happy Mind Makes A Healthy Body – Ed & Deb Shapiro

    That connection can influence how we feel and our overall health. An example appeared in a Time magazine special that showed happiness, hopefulness, optimism and contentment, “appear to reduce the risk or limit the severity of cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, diabetes, hypertension, colds and upper-respiratory infections; while depression — the extreme opposite of happiness — can worsen heart disease, diabetes […]
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  • Face Your Worst Enemy: Learn to Handle Fear

    The world is filled with fear and fighting. The news is filled with ISIS, Ebola, violent assaults and rape. That may make us feel completely powerless and unable to help, but one thing we can do is to make friends with our own fear rather than blaming others. “We will always blame and condemn those we feel are responsible for […]
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