Intimacy & Relationship Expert Laura Doyle
Dear Laura, Now that my youngest son is out of the house, I feel like my husband and I are not on the same page. He’s stubborn and we fight a lot. When the kids were here it was more tolerable, but now that we’re empty-nesters, I’m questioning whether my husband and I have anything in common. Am I crazy […] -
New Treatment Offers Relief from Painful Sex
If you are struggling with painful sex due to thinning of the vagina and the tissue around it, a new treatment is on the horizon, likely in 2016. It’s called prasterone, and it’s a vaginal cream that contains 0.5% (6.5 mg) of the hormone DHEA. The article was in the online February 16, 2015 issue of the journal Maturitas. The […] -
10 Exercises to Improve Sex
Sex is physical. And getting in shape improves all physical activity, including sex. Here are 10 activities modified from WebMD to improve your enjoyment, stamina and active participation during sex. So let’s get physical! 1. Get up and get moving! Improving your wind and circulation is great for improving erections in men and arousal in women. No matter what path […] -
Osphena Improves Sexual Symptoms in Menopause
Menopause expert Dr Mache Seibel discusses sexual symptoms in menopause with Dr. David Portman, Dir Columbus Center for Women’s Health Research. Osphena improves sex symptoms in Menopause. -
Hot Flashes, Intimacy and Menopause in Cancer Patients
What helps hot flashes and painful sex? Menopause expert Dr Mache Seibel discusses hot flashes, intimacy and menopause in cancer patients with Dr Mary Jane Minkin Ob-Gyn. -
New Painful Sex Treatment for Breast Cancer
Menopause expert Dr Mache Seibel interviews Dr Martha Goetsch about painful sex treatment for breast cancer in menopause. The treatment is easy to use, not a hormone. -
Faking It Ain’t Making It in the Bedroom
Everyone knows the delicatessen scene in “When Harry Met Sally.” Meg Ryan’s faked orgasm had all the customers wanting what she had. But a new study says your partner isn’t likely going to be fooled. The study findings showed that both women and men are equally able to tell if their partner was satisfied or not. The study published in the April issue of the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior investigated […] -
A Brief Guide to Sexual Problems
Sexual problems causing distress are so common that some people begin to believe they are just part of life. But they don’t have to be. There are lots of things you can do and professionals to help you. Here is a brief guide summarizing the different categories of sexual problems. Understanding these categories is the first step to getting the […] -
HealthRock and Dr. Seibel Awarded Gates Foundation Award
HealthRock LLC announced today that it is a Grand Challenges Explorations winner, an initiative funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Mache Seibel, MD will pursue an innovative global health and development research project, titled ”Air-Infused Female Condom.” Grand Challenges Explorations (GCE) funds individuals worldwide to explore ideas that can break the mold in how we solve persistent global health and development challenges. Dr Seibel’s […] -
The Menopause Makeover – Look and Feel Great in 12 Weeks
I recently interviewed Staness Jonekos, author of The Menopause Makeover: The Ultimate Guide to Taking Control of Your Health and Beauty During Menopause. It’s a terrific book and Staness has a lot to say about her journey and how it can help you in yours. Dr. Mache Seibel: I know that your personal menopause experience had a lot to do […]