Hot Flashes, Intimacy and Menopause in Cancer Patients
What helps hot flashes and painful sex? Menopause expert Dr Mache Seibel discusses hot flashes, intimacy and menopause in cancer patients with Dr Mary Jane Minkin Ob-Gyn. -
Vitamin D: How’s Your Level?
Wishing you health, happiness and harmony this Holiday Season. I look forward to bringing you Stay Well health info in the New Year. It’s D-cember. Do you know your vitamin D level? Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin. Since 10 million Americans over age 50, and over 40% of the entire population are low in this essential vitamin, I’m not […] -
If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It: How to Prevent Diseases
Seems like good, solid advice: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. That might work well for a touchy lawn mower or television set, but it is bad advice for healthy living. Our truly remarkable body keeps working, even when things start to go wrong. Most people are able to continue doing all their usual activities: the heart occasionally skips […] -
Heartburn and GERD Can Cause Cancer of the Esophagus
If you think of heartburn as a harmless nuisance, think again. Over time, the same acid that causes indigestion or acid reflux (also called GERD) can lead to esophageal cancer, a deadly disease that has become one of the fastest growing cancer diagnoses in the country and kills someone (men more than women) in America every 36 minutes. The esophagus […]
Posts tagged with ‘cancer’
The Hot Years: My Menopause Magazine > cancer