Face Your Worst Enemy: Learn to Handle Fear
The world is filled with fear and fighting. The news is filled with ISIS, Ebola, violent assaults and rape. That may make us feel completely powerless and unable to help, but one thing we can do is to make friends with our own fear rather than blaming others. “We will always blame and condemn those we feel are responsible for […] -
7 Tips for Yoga After Menopause
I’m now forty-nine and already three years into menopause and my yoga practice has done wonders for my overall conditioning. But things are beginning to change. Improved flexibility and strength count among the many benefits of yoga for women in midlife and beyond. I’ve been physically active my entire life but natural wear and tear of the joints, loss of flexibility and osteoarthritis are some of the age-related issues we encounter practicing yoga into our menopause years. With […] -
5 Tips for Going Out of Your Mind and Getting Happy
You know what it’s like when you get stressed, as if you’re going out of your mind: “Oh no, I’m losing it, I’m going crazy, I can’t take anymore.” And how the more thoughts you have like this the more you’re caught up in the madness and get further away from being peaceful or happy. The good news is that as long as we know we’re going […] -
Let Meditation Awaken Your Inner Joy
While in Greece, we were invited to a local village dance. It was to be held in a nearby field, and we were fascinated to discover it started very late, about 11 p.m., lasting until the early hours of the morning. It was a beautiful moonlit night. The entire village was present: small children, lanky teenagers, grannies and old men clinging […] -
8 Yoga Tips That Ease Menopause
My transition through menopause was one of the most important transitions of my life. I am an active yoga and meditation teacher who had just moved from Boston to New York City in my early 50’s. I was in a new city and although I am an expert at handling stress, had met my match with the move to NYC. […]
Posts tagged with ‘meditation’
The Hot Years: My Menopause Magazine > meditation