BRCA2 Gene Causes Pancreatic Cancer
Did you know some breast and ovarian cancers are connected to pancreatic cancer? It could save your life. Let’s begin by reminding you of Angelina Jolie and her recent decision to have both breasts removed to lower her risk for breast cancer because she has the BRCA1 gene – it stands for BReast CAncer. BRCA1 and 2 are genes […] -
It’s Better to Stay Well than to Get Well – My Menopause
December is always a time for reflection. Another year comes to an end and gives birth to a new year filled with endless possibilities. This issue of My Menopause Magazine addresses that feeling of optimism and emphasizes prevention. It starts with a terrific discussion with Staness Jonekoss about how to perform a Menopause Makeover. Wherever you are in your life […]
Posts tagged with ‘pancreatic cancer’
The Hot Years: My Menopause Magazine > pancreatic cancer