December is always a time for reflection. Another year comes to an end and gives birth to a new year filled with endless possibilities. This issue of My Menopause Magazine addresses that feeling of optimism and emphasizes prevention. It starts with a terrific discussion with Staness Jonekoss about how to perform a Menopause Makeover. Wherever you are in your life or transition, it’s the perfect time to assess, strategize and improve. It’s not only possible; it’s doable and the feature article tells you how.
With obesity affecting over half the population and diabetes a virtual epidemic that is linked to obesity, PBS TVs Suzanne Andrews provides a simple yet powerful fat blaster walking routine. The diabetes music video expands the thought and explains how to prevent diabetes from talking control of you.
The story of ovary freezing should be a must read for all women who are either facing cancer treatments at an early age and who might lose their fertility as a result of it, or for women who don’t want to take pharmaceutical estrogen but who would be thrilled to have their own ovaries miraculously continuously making estrogen well into their 70s. It’s now doable. And for women with a BReast CAncer gene mutation who are rightly worried about breast and ovarian cancer, learn about the silent risk that gene causes you for pancreatic cancer. Learn preventive measures you need to know about because many medical providers are still not aware of how real the pancreatic cancer risk is.
You’ll also learn about the importance of having regular dental checkups to diagnose and prevent many major health problems, and the beauty risks of smoking. There is lots of great prevention information to help you stay well in the New Year. And that is the greatest gift of all.