Posts tagged with ‘stay well’

  • Improve Your Beauty: Cosmedic versus Cosmetic

    Cosmetic as an adjective is defined as involving or relating to treatment intended to restore or improve a person’s appearance. An example is cosmetic surgery. As a noun, it’s a product applied to the body, especially the face, to improve your beauty. Examples are makeup, beauty products and others used to enhance the appearance of the human body. Cosmetic made me […]
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  • Functional Fitness Helps Women over 40 Function Best!

    Have you heard of Functional Fitness? It’s the latest trend in gyms across America. Functional Fitness isn’t new, it is a time-tested technique used for decades by occupational and physical therapists to help their patients achieve functional strength for real-life situations. Functional fitness incorporates exercises that use your body’s own biomechanics. That includes multiple muscle groups at once so your […]
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  • 7 Tips for Yoga After Menopause

    I’m now forty-nine and already three years into menopause and my yoga practice has done wonders for my overall conditioning. But things are beginning to change. Improved flexibility and strength count among the many benefits of yoga for women in midlife and beyond. I’ve been physically active my entire life but natural wear and tear of the joints, loss of flexibility and osteoarthritis are some of the age-related issues we encounter practicing yoga into our menopause years. With […]
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  • How To Create Your Culture of Wellness

    This month’s featured interview is with Tana Amen. Tana is a nurse, a New York Times Bestselling author, a highly respected health and fitness expert and a nationally renowned speaker and media guest. She and her husband Dr. Daniel Amen have done a recent PBS special called Healing ADD (which of course is Attention Deficit Disorder). Dr. Mache Seibel: I […]
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  • Bariatric Surgery and Your Telomeres

    The medical name for weight loss surgery is bariatric surgery. The tips of your chromosomes are called telomeres. Telomeres are like the plastic cap on the tip of your shoelaces, and like shoelaces, telomeres prevent your chromosomes from unraveling and that slows your body’s aging. As you age, your telomeres get shorter. That increases the risk both of losing vital DNA from […]
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  • 10 Diabetes Myths: What You Don’t Know Can Harm You

    1. Myth: Diabetes is not that serious of a disease. FACT: If you manage your diabetes properly, you can prevent or delay diabetes complications. However, diabetes causes more deaths a year than breast cancer and aids combined. Two out of three people with diabetes die from heart disease or stroke. 2. Myth: If you are overweight or obese, you will eventually […]
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  • How to Prepare for Menopause

    Dr. Mache Seibel: How do you start the conversation with women when you’re talking about menopause? Ellen Dolgen: No one gets a hold-the-date notice for when perimenopause is going to arrive at their door. So it’s really important to be prepared and to understand that perimenopause often happens between the ages of 38 and 48. Every woman is different, but the […]
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  • Achieving Hormone Balance

    I recently interviewed Dr. Sara Gottfried, author of The Hormone Cure on how to reclaim balance, sleep, sex drive, and vitality naturally with the Gottfried protocol. Here is what she had to say about achieving hormone balance. Dr. Mache Seibel: I’ve been reading your book, The Hormone Cure. It’s a really nice blend of serious science with a holistic approach because […]
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  • Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer BRCA

    Ovarian Cancer,Colon Cancer,Uterine Cancer – Dr. Mache Seibel
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