Moderate Exercise Leads to Lower HRT Risks
If you are looking for a way to lower HRT risks, the secret is now out and it should be reassuring – exercise. No, you don’t need to run a marathon or do extreme sports. Moderate-intensity exercise like walking briskly or playing tennis can lower your risk of stroke according to research presented at the 2014 International Stroke Conference of the […] -
How To Create Your Culture of Wellness
This month’s featured interview is with Tana Amen. Tana is a nurse, a New York Times Bestselling author, a highly respected health and fitness expert and a nationally renowned speaker and media guest. She and her husband Dr. Daniel Amen have done a recent PBS special called Healing ADD (which of course is Attention Deficit Disorder). Dr. Mache Seibel: I […] -
Regulate Cholesterol: Food Is a Better Pill to Swallow
I was shocked when I thought about the implications of the new updated guidelines for the treatment of high blood cholesterol levels from the american College of Cardiology – american Heart Association (ACC-AHA) Task Force. By 2020 more than half of Americans will have diabetes or be prediabetic. While the guidelines are a rational approach to controlling cholesterol and heart disease, […] -
Understanding Food Labels
To help you with understanding food labels, here are the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Guidelines for Common Food Claims and what they really mean: -
Texting Your Way to Weight Loss
Now a new study has shown that texting may be a viable alternative. In a study performed at Duke University, researcher Dori Steinberg and her associates found that after six months, 26 obese women who used daily texting lost nearly 3 pounds, while another 24 who followed traditional methods gained 2 1⁄2 pounds. The average age of participants was 38 years. […] -
Priming Your Brain to Eat Healthier
You know how it is. Walk into a grocery store and see the beautiful label or the great ad and you pull one off the shelf and into your shopping cart. Marketing and advertising works. Thinking about healthy eating may be enough to prime your brain to make better food choices But what if you were influenced to buy healthier foods with the same kinds of marketing and ads? A recent study […] -
The Salty Six – The Six Common Foods With High Salt Levels
You probably know eating too much salt (sodium) can lead to high blood pressure and other heart problems and you probably know that French fries and potato chips are loaded with salt. But there are also other foods lurking in the grocery store that may surprise you with their salt content. Your average daily requirement for salt is 1,500 mg. But the average American consumes about 3,400 mg. The […] -
Bariatric Surgery and Your Telomeres
The medical name for weight loss surgery is bariatric surgery. The tips of your chromosomes are called telomeres. Telomeres are like the plastic cap on the tip of your shoelaces, and like shoelaces, telomeres prevent your chromosomes from unraveling and that slows your body’s aging. As you age, your telomeres get shorter. That increases the risk both of losing vital DNA from […] -
Achieving Hormone Balance
I recently interviewed Dr. Sara Gottfried, author of The Hormone Cure on how to reclaim balance, sleep, sex drive, and vitality naturally with the Gottfried protocol. Here is what she had to say about achieving hormone balance. Dr. Mache Seibel: I’ve been reading your book, The Hormone Cure. It’s a really nice blend of serious science with a holistic approach because […] -
Discover Therapeutic Exercise to Power Your Brain
Scientists once thought that the brain developed until a certain young age and then became rigid. We now know that the brain has neuroplasticity, that is, there is a capacity for neurons and their networks of the brain to continue changing in response to new information through brain exercises. While many of us are aware of the benefit of doing […]