Posts tagged with ‘editor-pick’

  • Improve Your Beauty: Cosmedic versus Cosmetic

    Cosmetic as an adjective is defined as involving or relating to treatment intended to restore or improve a person’s appearance. An example is cosmetic surgery. As a noun, it’s a product applied to the body, especially the face, to improve your beauty. Examples are makeup, beauty products and others used to enhance the appearance of the human body. Cosmetic made me […]
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  • Green Pea Guacamole

    Green pea guacamole tastes great, and just like traditional guacamole, you can keep it on the healthy side by serving this smooth and tangy dip with fresh, crunchy crudités such as radishes, carrot sticks and sugar snap peas. View user submitted photos Ingredients: 1/3 cup roughly chopped cilantro 1 (16-ounce) bag frozen green peas, thawed 1 avocado, peeled, pitted […]
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  • Lower Hot Flashes With Nerve Block

    How do you lower hot flashes if you don’t want to take medication? Approximately 80% of women have hot flashes and many prefer not to take medications, and due to breast cancer and other medical conditions, some women cannot take them. Now, a totally non-medicine approach in the journal Menopause in August 2014 has been developed to stop hot flashes. It […]
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  • How to Run Your Home Like a CEO Mom

    All successful CEOs have one thing in common: They’re able to maintain a big-picture perspective. It’s also something successful women have in common, says Zenovia Andrews, a business strategist, speaker, author and mother who coaches entrepreneurs and CEOs on time and budget management. “In business, CEOs implement a process that achieves efficient time and resource management in the most cost-effective […]
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  • Face Your Worst Enemy: Learn to Handle Fear

    The world is filled with fear and fighting. The news is filled with ISIS, Ebola, violent assaults and rape. That may make us feel completely powerless and unable to help, but one thing we can do is to make friends with our own fear rather than blaming others. “We will always blame and condemn those we feel are responsible for […]
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  • Untreated Hot Flashes Cost US $14 Billion

    Hot flashes are just a nuisance, right? If you think that, you would be very wrong. A recent study by Dr. Phil Sarrel and colleagues looked at the cost of untreated hot flashes in 500,000 menopausal women working at Fortune 500 companies or women who were there spouses, dependents or retirees. All had insurance and so their diagnosis and treatment […]
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  • 5 Tips to Lower Breast Cancer Risk

    It almost seems like an epidemic. One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some time in her life. While it may not be preventable, here are 5 things you can do to lower breast cancer risk or ensure early detection. 1. Eat more vegetables. Vegetables are a simple and easy way to lower your risk. Spinach, kale, broccoli, […]
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  • Functional Fitness Helps Women over 40 Function Best!

    Have you heard of Functional Fitness? It’s the latest trend in gyms across America. Functional Fitness isn’t new, it is a time-tested technique used for decades by occupational and physical therapists to help their patients achieve functional strength for real-life situations. Functional fitness incorporates exercises that use your body’s own biomechanics. That includes multiple muscle groups at once so your […]
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  • How To Get The Optimum Cardio Workout

    When you exercise, how do you know you’re getting the optimum cardio workout? The goal is to choose a level that will cause your heart to beat at 60-75% of its maximum capacity. It’s always a good idea to discuss what is an ideal heart rate for you with your doctor before you start on a new exercise program. As […]
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  • 5 Proven Tips to Lose Weight and Keep It Off

    Wouldn’t it be great if simple changes could result in weight loss? Wouldn’t it be great it the weight would actually stay off? It turns out that weight loss is very doable with some simple changes on your part. An article published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics studied 465 overweight and obese postmenopausal women between […]
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