Face Your Worst Enemy: Learn to Handle Fear
The world is filled with fear and fighting. The news is filled with ISIS, Ebola, violent assaults and rape. That may make us feel completely powerless and unable to help, but one thing we can do is to make friends with our own fear rather than blaming others. “We will always blame and condemn those we feel are responsible for […] -
5 Tips for Going Out of Your Mind and Getting Happy
You know what it’s like when you get stressed, as if you’re going out of your mind: “Oh no, I’m losing it, I’m going crazy, I can’t take anymore.” And how the more thoughts you have like this the more you’re caught up in the madness and get further away from being peaceful or happy. The good news is that as long as we know we’re going […] -
Feel Beautiful: Image Therapy for Your Second Skin
How do you feel in your clothes? Do you feel beautiful? According to fashion guru, Liana Chaouli, you should. Liana is the president and founder of Image Therapists International, Inc. and a globally recognized speaker and educator who consults with CEOs, celebrities, political figures, and people just like you. In this article Liana reveals how she goes about it. Dr. Mache Seibel: Tell me about the relationship of feeling and looking good in terms of what we […] -
8 Ways to Manage Grief After Holidays or Family Gatherings
Holidays and family gatherings can be a particularly challenging time for those dealing with the loss of a loved one, and studies show that more people may actually come face-to-face with the full difficulties of the grieving process in the post-holiday season or after family events. It is during these times, after friends and family have departed and we go back […] -
How to Prepare for Menopause
Dr. Mache Seibel: How do you start the conversation with women when you’re talking about menopause? Ellen Dolgen: No one gets a hold-the-date notice for when perimenopause is going to arrive at their door. So it’s really important to be prepared and to understand that perimenopause often happens between the ages of 38 and 48. Every woman is different, but the […] -
Slaying Your Inner Critic
Sound familiar? Self-talk, especially negative self-talk, prevents a lot of capable people from ever realizing their potential. As Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” So how can you slay your inner critic; make that voice in your head stop saying negative things and just ask the question, “How can I succeed […] -
Discover Therapeutic Exercise to Power Your Brain
Scientists once thought that the brain developed until a certain young age and then became rigid. We now know that the brain has neuroplasticity, that is, there is a capacity for neurons and their networks of the brain to continue changing in response to new information through brain exercises. While many of us are aware of the benefit of doing […] -
Stay Well: How to get to the next level
For most people, elevating themselves to a higher level is extremely challenging. It would be great if we could just buy a ticket, get a pilot to take us down a paved runway, lift off and achieve a new altitude. In my experience, life doesn’t work that way. Getting ourselves to the next level is much more like climbing a […] -
Weed Your Mental Garden: Limit Stress in Your Life
You can learn a lot from a garden. Prepare the soil, space plants, thin them out once they grow and weed, weed, weed. It’s amazing how that same philosophy helps us limit stress in our lives. Begin by preparing a list of everything you have to do today. Arrange them in priority from first to last. Focus on the top three. […]
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