Beverly Flaxington is a corporate consultant, behavioral coach, hypnotherapist, college professor and author of the book Self Talk for a Calmer You. In this interview she offers insights from her book on how the negative messages in your brain can lead to anxiety and depression, and how offers tips for turning those negative messages into positive ones that can make a calmer you. This is particularly helpful in stressful times such as menopause.
Dr. Mache Seibel is Editor of My Menopause Magazine in the Apple News stand and My Menopause Mag on the Web. He is the recipient of the 2013 Media Award from the North American Menopause Society and one of the nation’s leading experts and speakers on women’s health, particularly for women over 40. You can find more about him at Because heart disease kills more women than men and because many women don’t realize steps they can take to reverse heart disease, this interview will offer very valuable information. Click Here for free monthly health news and updates.