Posts tagged with ‘sleep’

  • What is Your Sleep IQ?

    People who sleep less weigh less. • True • False False. People who get too little sleep produce less of a hormone called leptin that lets you know you are full, and more of a hormone called ghrelin that causes you to want to eat more. Basically, getting too little sleep can promote weight gain by making it hard to […]
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  • Beware Tick Born Diseases

    Why we’re talking about ticks in menopause? Because some of the symptoms of Lyme disease such as heart palpitations, fatigue, sleep issues and others overlap with symptoms of perimenopause. And tick born diseases are just about everywhere. If you live in colder climates, you may have been wondering (or hoping) that these brutally cold weather episodes sweeping the eastern half […]
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  • Fact: Happy Couples Get More Sleep

    Now new findings from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine reveal that your level of marital satisfaction may be one reason for you to consider. The study found that partners who sleep together in the same bed are awake or asleep at the same time 75% of the time. However, if the wife is more satisfied with her marriage, that […]
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  • 7 Tips to Sleep Better Without Medication

    When it comes to sleep, this is one tired nation. According to the CDC, between 35 and 45 percent of Americans unintentionally fell asleep during the day at least once in the past month and nearly 5 percent fell asleep while driving during the past month. And these are just the ones who admit it. During the holiday season, toss in […]
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  • What is Your Sleep IQ?

    People who sleep less weigh less. True False False. People who get too little sleep produce less of a hormone called leptin that lets you know you are full, and more of a hormone called ghrelin that causes you to want to eat more. That’s why getting too little sleep makes it hard to diet. Too little sleep increases your […]
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  • What Happens During Sleep: Sleep Does Knot The Raveled Sleeve of Care

    If you live to be 90 you will have slept about 30 years of it. Was it a waste of time? Why would we evolve this way if it were totally unproductive? But fear not. You are not squandering 1/3 of your life. Au contraire. According to new evidence, sleep is actually ensuring that the other 2/3 of your life […]
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  • Ban The Evening News

    Do you watch the evening news? I used to.  Just before going to bed I’d sit down with a nice cup of hot tea and look for good news I wanted to hear about. But I never saw any good news; just the latest rape, murder, disaster, killing, hurricane, financial disaster, etc, etc, etc. Not surprisingly, instead of sweet dreams, […]
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  • Stress, Lifestyle & Nutrition: Get Rid of Unnecessary Medication – Where Are You on the Spectrum?

    Did you know that by the age of 60, the average American woman is taking as many as 12 medications a day? This is usually a mix of prescription and over-the counter medications. If you are a television watcher, you hear and see a lot these days about the medications that might help you feel better. What is missing from all […]
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