Kasha is a staple food in many Eastern European cuisines. It’s versatile, inexpensive, and easy to prepare. The high protein in buckwheat is not digested, which allows it to absorb cholesterol from food and prevent it from being absorbed by the intestines. It works great both as a light meal when served with a salad or as a side dish. This is my mother’s kasha recipe and we call her Bubbie.
Kasha Ingredients
- 1½ cups kasha (medium-sized buckwheat groats)
- 2 eggs
- 3 cups boiling water
- 1 tablespoon salt
- 4 tablespoons butter (½ stick) 1 onion, diced
Kasha Preparation
Preheat the oven to 350°F. Place the kasha in a shallow baking dish or pie pan. Stir in, but do not beat, the eggs until the kasha is coated. Bake with the oven door slightly ajar, until the grains are dry (about 25 minutes). Shake the pan and stir the kasha about every 5 minutes to keep the groats from sticking. Transfer the kasha to a large saucepan. Add the boiling water and salt. Cover and cook over moderate heat for 10 to 15 minutes. It may be necessary to add a little more water. (When done, the kasha will be tender and doubled in bulk, and all the cooking water absorbed.) Heat the butter in a skillet oven medium-high heat. Add the onion and sauté until browned, and then scrape the onion and butter into the kasha, stir, and serve.
Yield: 6 servings —Bubbie’s Kitchen
Per serving: 194 Cal.; 46 GI; 5g Prot.; 21g Carb.; 5g SFA; 3g MUFA; 1g PUFA; 0.06g Omega-3; 22mg Calc.; 853mg Sod.; 136mg Pot.; 1mg Iron; 0mg Phytoestrogen; 3g Fiber From Eat to Defeat Menopause: The Essential Nutrition Guide for a Healthy Midlife by Karen Giblin and Mache Seibel, MD. Forward by Dean Ornish, MD. Click here to purchase.